Mining & Mineral Processing Equipment
Our equipment is designed for mining applications such as ore recovery and mineral processing. S. Howes and Howes Filtration equipment are used in applications such as hydro met processing, Merrel crowe (gold recovery), pre-filtration for electrowinning, repulp processing, molten sulfur recovery, nickel and copper catalyst recovery, uranium recovery, lithium-ion battery minerals processing, and more. Let one of our sales engineers guide you through the mineral processing equipment selection process.
Featured Resources
Pigments Dryer Feeding System

A pigment manufacturer was having difficulty achieving a consistent feed of the pigments to a dryer.
Cooling Screw Conveyor System for Batteries

A battery manufacturer needed to replace a flexible screw conveyor system that was not performing well.
Frac Sand Continuous Mixer

The S. Howes Continuous Mixer (or Pug Mill) has been used to mix a variety of polymers or resins.
Li-ion Battery Minerals Processing & Recycling

A look at the supply chain of Electric Vehicle Batteries (EVB’s) and the importance of testing EVB minerals.

Mining & Minerals Processing Equipment
For processing minerals, S. Howes designs heavy-duty equipment for a variety of applications, including ore recovery, mixing, conveying, sizing, screening, and heating and cooling of minerals.
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We’re here to help you! Tell us what you need to be done and we’ll contact you to recommend the right equipment.